πŸ‘‹Duncan’s Homepage

My Role: Product Lead from Sept 2021 β€” Sept 2022

Team: ~12 remote, mainly developers




SZNS was the first product shipped by SZNS Labs. This protocol provides a DAO-based governance system for collectively owned NFTs. We leveraged the Gnosis framework with Snapshot voting to provide gas efficient, offchain governance.

I joined two months prior to launch and assisted the team in:

  1. Completing the UX flow
  2. Testing the app and protocol
  3. Creating demo videos
  4. Building gitbooks documentation
  5. Gathering customer feedback
  6. Developing the product development process

Ultimately launch went well, attracting millions of dollars in NFT value and hundreds of thousands of dollars in ETH committed to these DAOs. After some months we innovated on the governance system to build Standard Proposals. Despite best efforts, we found that users did not like voting. This is when we moved on to develop Sail.FunSail.Fun.